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Minutes of January 12, 2009 Special Meeting
JANUARY 12, 2009

A special meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, January 12, 2009 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Commissioners Dobratz, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca and Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.    

II.  Presentation
Chief Mosca indicated that over the 40 years he has been involved in the budget process at the Police Department, this budget was the toughest.  He said it took a lot of effort and painful decisions to come up with a budget that is responsive to the commission’s directive to meet a close to 0% increase, and to preserve law enforcement services and programs for the community.  Chief Mosca stated that the budget being presented is not a good budget for the Police Department because it eliminates necessary capital expenditures, includes no new programs and allows no new, and much needed, police officer positions.  It is, however, a budget that is in the best interest of the Town of Old Saybrook considering the current economic climate.  The Chief described the hard work he, Deputy Chief Spera and Executive Assistant Klingerman did, and the many cuts and concessions that were made, consulting with Chairman Burnham, sometimes several times each day.   He talked about officer performance, scheduling, the increase in criminal activity due to the current economy, and motor vehicle enforcement activity.  Chief Mosca expressed his hope that this budget, which, after much hard work, comes in at an increase of less than one-half of one percent, will be acceptable.  He stated that further cuts will begin a “domino effect” of cutting activities and programs, which would not be in the best interest of the town.  Chief Mosca stated that Deputy Chief Spera is to be commended for his very hard work in producing this budget, which he feels is responsive to the Police Commission’s instructions, and asked the Deputy Chief to give the commission a detailed overview of the budget request.

Deputy Chief Spera stated that this is not the police department’s budget, but rather the town’s budget for the police department, and is dependent upon what services the town wants from its police department.  He stated that he feels that taking into consideration contractual raises and increased health insurance premiums, the 0.44% increase, which is a dollar amount of only $15,059 on a budget of over Three Million Dollars is a very small increase; especially considering that the increase in salaries alone is more than $15,059.  He stated that although this budget is technically wrong for the police department because it allows for no growth or capital improvements, it is right for the town and responsible to its citizens.  He assured the commission that this budget still allows the department to be administered in a safe, efficient and effective manner.  

Deputy Chief Spera discussed the four categories of the budget, indicating that Personnel is 64% of the budget; Fixed Charges, 24%; Expenses and Supplies, 9%; and Contractual, 3%.  He gave an in-depth explanation of each area of the budget, going line item by line item.  This included a discussion of funds placed to cover pay increases expected if both unions successfully renegotiate their contracts; an increase in health insurance and fixed charges; and the crippling effect that would result if one or two of the ten officers who can retire in the coming year do so, due to the current number of personnel.  He explained that the increase in Connecticut Light and Power is in concert with other town departments, and based on C L & P’s planned 5% rate increase; the increase in Building Maintenance is due to the deterioration of the aging building and removal of funds to cover emergency repairs from the Capital Budget; and the increase in Vehicle Maintenance is due to the elimination of vehicle purchases from the Capital Budget, which will result in predictable increased maintenance and repairs of the department’s aging fleet.  He noted that by the beginning of the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year, seven patrol vehicles will have over 84,000 miles logged; and two SUV’s will have over 100,000 miles logged, which is highly undesirable for public safety vehicles.  He also explained that the increase in Medical Equipment is due to the expected increase in maintenance of older defibrillators, which will not be replaced through capital expenditures.  In the Contractual area of the budget, Deputy Chief Spera reported the increase in Computer Support and Upgrade is due to the fact that the person responsible for much of this work in-house was promoted, and outside assistance is now necessary.

Deputy Chief Spera described various reductions made to off-set the necessary increases previously discussed, such as Gasoline, which dropped due to a negotiated per gallon price based on current market conditions, and other reductions made with much thought and consideration, to make the budget meet the near 0% increase requirement.

Comsr. Winkler stated she feels the staff does an excellent job under the circumstances and that she felt the presentation thoroughly explained the department’s spending plan for the next fiscal year.

Comsr. Dobratz also expressed his concern over the department’s inability to add personnel and stated he feels our people are carrying an extraordinary case load, and that the need for more personnel is obvious.  

Comsr. Sparaco stressed his concern over the department’s inability to purchase new vehicles and that he is hopeful to get back to scheduled yearly purchases.

Comsr. Metsack requested a copy of the presentation, including the motor vehicle sheet, and was promised one at the conclusion of the meeting.

After discussion of various aspects of the budget, motion was made by Comsr. Dobratz to approve the proposed Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget.  Motion seconded by Chairman Burnham.  

Discussion followed, which included Chairman Burnham’s observation that this is a very scary budget with which to provide the best service; commissioners’ concerns over how further cuts might impact services; and the impact this budget will have on next year’s budget.  Costs for contract negotiations were also discussed, and what those costs may be in the upcoming fiscal year.    Chairman Burnham indicated that Comsr. Conklin was out of the state, and that Comsr. Gallicchio had indicated he would be delayed, and might not make the meeting.   However, both commissioners had suggested questions, which she felt were addressed and satisfied during the presentation.   Chairman Burnham called for a vote, and the motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman Burnham stated she would like to have a proposal for infrastructure improvement of the Police Department ready if Federal money becomes available, and said she would like to discuss the formation of a building committee at a future meeting.

Chairman Burnham stated the Police Department must fit into the community and be responsive to its current needs.  She thanked Chief Mosca, Deputy Chief Spera and Executive Assistant Klingerman, for their hard work and successful completion of this difficult task.

Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Chairman Burnham.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant
These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
next regular meeting.